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31 - New Year

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56 lines (43 loc) · 2.5 KB

31. New Year Resolution

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

This problem is an improvised version of the target sum problem, and I approached it using a recursive method with memoization (DP) to explore all possible coin combinations. Here are the steps to do so:

  • The recursive function solve is used, taking parameters such as the current index i,n, the current sum sum, coins, and a vector dp to store intermediate results.
  • The function checks if the current sum is a valid solution (2024 or divisible by 20 or 24), returning true if so.
  • Base cases are set: if the index exceeds the number of coins or the sum surpasses 2024, it returns false.
  • At each index, two conditions are considered: 'take' or 'not take.' Two recursive calls are made
    • One for 'not take,' where the index is increased with the same sum.
    • The other is for 'take,' where both the sum and index are incremented.
    • These recursive calls evaluate all cases, returning true or false.
  • Memoization is used at every step to reduce redundant computations.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(n * sum), where n is the number of coins and sum is the target sum
  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(n * sum) due to the memoization table.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    bool solve(int i, int& n, int sum, int coins[], vector<unordered_map<int,bool>>& dp){
        if(sum == 2024 || (sum && (sum%20 == 0 || sum%24 == 0)))
            return true;
        if(i == n || sum > 2024)
            return false;
        if(dp[i].find(sum) != dp[i].end())
            return dp[i][sum];
        int nt = solve(i+1, n, sum, coins, dp);
            return dp[i][sum] = nt;
        return dp[i][sum] = solve(i+1, n, sum + coins[i], coins, dp);
    int isPossible(int n , int coins[]) 
        vector<unordered_map<int,bool>> dp(n);
        return solve(0,n,0,coins, dp);

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